Has Dalebrook Tidal Pool hit a tipping point?

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It’s 2018 mid-summer. It’s sunrise.

We are enjoying an early morning swim at Dalebrook tidal pool in Kalk Bay, Cape Town.

The water is a beautiful 19 degrees Celsius. There are six of us in the pool.

Fast forward to 2021. Same time, same place and there are 40 people enjoying the pool. There are many more on the beach soaking up the sunrise.

Malcolm Gladwell is the author of the excellent book, The Tipping Point. This book comes to mind as I view the happy scene.

What was the tipping point at Dalebrook? Why is early morning swimming so popular? Why is Dalebrook THE pool of choice for so many?

It’s a euphoric experience. No doubt. It is a wonderful way to start the day. The whole vibe is fun-filled, happy, reflective, meditational, healing.  

As more and more people visited Dalebrook so more and more posts appeared online. Some of us have even created dedicated photo pages showcasing the early morning swims. You can see my page here.

Kalk Bay then gets named one of the coolest neighbourhoods in the world. Radio hosts visit and make broadcasts of their experience. Dalebrook Café opens across the road selling awesome coffee.

The tipping point came with the first hard lockdown in 2020. Gyms closed, no family gatherings, no indoor birthday parties, no open restaurants. Students, heck, everyone, was working from home, nightclubs closed – no hangovers.

And boom, everyone flocked outdoors.

People needed to get out into the open. The tidal pool, with plenty of parking, good coffee, was the perfect place to meet.
It’s an awesome way to start the day.

But hang on, why I am writing about a tidal pool when this is a photographic, newsletter thingie?

My camera is with me every time I visit. It is a perfect time for photography

However, there is another reason I’m writing this.
I see it every day.
A person walks onto the beach. They immediately hold up their phone, point it somewhere, out there, beyond, and click. A photo is captured. A photo of what though?
I call this a “check my location” photo. It’s a quick snap. It can, however,  be so much more. It could be a well-composed photo. It could be a keeper.
Now the following might not be for you. Maybe you know someone who would benefit.
I created an online photo course covering composition.

It’s aimed specifically at phone photographers.
Do this course and start making photos. Instead of the phone taking the photo for you.

Phone photos can be amazing nowadays. Make your photos stand out with this course.
Check it out here to learn about PoV, rule-of-thirds, using lines and much more.